Britain's choice, solidarity or isolation
The strongest objection to Brexit is not that it will make everyone poorer, which is certainly true, but that it is a rejection of the principles of solidarity, common purpose and fairness which have bound the people of Europe together in peace and prosperity for over six decades. The European Union is founded on a set of agreed principles by which Europeans co-operate, trade, study, work and invest. Every member state and every citizen can aspire to be more prosperous and safer because of our shared effort. Britain has rejected this spirit of solidarity, of shared rules, effort and prosperity. Obviously this is a matter of regret for the rest of Europe, and for the 16million UK residents who voted “Remain” but we cannot allow ourselves to surrender to nationalist isolationism or lies. We who believe in solidarity, progress and shared prosperity must redouble our commitment and carry on. The lies on which the “Vote Leave” campaign was founded are being brutally exposed. The Brexit...