Blah, blah Brexit
Chaotic preparations for Brexit are damaging Britain's economic prospects, investment and reputation. With less than a year to go until Brexit there is no clear plan. Government ministers continue to squabble over the basic question; "what kind of Brexit will we have?" The Labour opposition are as confused and divided over Brexit as the Conservative government. Jeremy Corbyn is officially supporting Brexit while ducking the blame, (to avoid antagonising most of his party who supported remain) using the old Leninist trick of giving his Tory opponents enough rope to hang themselves. His now-you-see-it, now-you-don’t version of Brexit requires delicate footwork to keep both Remain and Leave sides on board. Jez kept the illusion alive for a surprisingly long time but Labour unity is beginning to crack as his cynical posturing becomes obvious. The latest sign that all is not well came when Labour's Foreign affairs spokesperson, Emily Thornberry (who, we now discove...