Time's up for Tory Brexidiots
In the storm of Brexit confusion one thing is clear; a majority of voters and MP’s, including many staunch Brexiters, agree that Britain needs to agree a future working relationship with the EU. Anti-EU bluster, threats & lies serve no purpose other than making it more difficult to agree a way forward. Tory Brextremists, including #LiarJohnson, have spent years telling lies & whipping up resentment against the EU. Deluded & contradictory Brexit promises, by Leave campaigners in 2016, make it very difficult for a bitterly divided Tory govt to agree on a future relationship with the EU. The biggest barrier to a future relationship between Britain & the EU is irrational Tory anger, supported by overseas interests. #LiarJohnson is totally unconvincing when he talks about “our friends & partners in Europe”, having built his career on promoting anti-EU lies. It’s very unlikely a Tory govt can negotiate a mutually beneficial relationship with the EU. The feuding Torie...